EEPS Visualization Laboratory

EEPS large screen projection room

The EEPS VizLab was established in 2018 and is supported through grants from NSF and Chevron.

The Chevron Visualization Center is now occupying room 306 in the Keith-Wiess Geological Laboratories building, and is an eight by 14 foot visualization wall consisting of 16 Barco projectors (4 x 4) with infrared tracking for both 2D image display and 3D data manipulation and interpretation.

Available programs include:

ArcGIS, Blender, GeoTeric 2018, Google Earth Pro, Matlab, Move, PaleoScan, ParaView, and Petrel.

The Center is available to the entire Rice community. To schedule KWGL 306 please contact Kirsten Siebach at and Bryn Dugre at