New Student Information
Information for International Students: OISS
New Graduate & Postdoctoral Students
- Timeline of Degree Program (Form due dates, exam dates, general deadlines)
- Rice New Graduate Student Information
- GeoUnion
- Graduate Student Forms and Handbook
- Rice New Postdoctorates Information
- Advice from the future: What I wish I knew as a first-year
New Undergraduate Students
Ombudspersons are a formal option for counsel. They will listen and make recommendations, and/or make referrals to other resources on campus. Although the recommendations from the ombudsperson are not binding, faculty and students are expected to make good faith efforts to implement the recommendations.School of Natural Sciences
Wiess School of Natural Sciences
Within EEPS, Ombudspersons are a faculty member(s) who is not a member of the Graduate Committee serves in this role. The Department has two Ombudspersons who are available to assist students involved in conflicts with faculty or other students.
Dr. Kirsten Siebach (
Dr. Mark Torres (
Faculty-Student Liaison
EEPS also offers graduate students the opportunity to speak directly with a faculty liaison about anything beyond the role of the ombudspersons.
Dr. Sylvia Dee (
What students can expect from the faculty-student liaison:
- Promote open lines of communication between the faculty and student body;
- Communicate broad student issues to faculty, and faculty to students, as well as relay questions;
- Provide information regarding departmental activities and decisions;
- Provide access to resources for work-life balance, departmental environment and culture, expanding your mentoring network, career development;
- Enhance student quality of life;
- Field any other concerns students may want to communicate to the liaison.
Complaints and Reporting Policy for Rice University Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences
Click HERE to download a guide created by EEPS URGE (Unlearning Racism in GEosciences) which provides an overview of policies for handling complaints, the reporting process, resources, and possible outcomes.
Below are some quick links to the reporting policy at our organization:
- Organization, Company, University Policies
- Policy: 830 and 830a
- Policy for Title IX reporting:
- EEPS Student Guidelines
- EEPS Field Trip Guidelines