You can pursue one of two majors and a minor in Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences.
The EEPS B.S. program provides a comprehensive introduction to the field, and is appropriate for students interested in pursuing careers or further study. You can choose one of three Areas of Specialization in Environmental Earth Science, Geoscience, or Planetary Science. Each area allows for flexibility to ensure that students gain the expertise that they seek.
The EEPS B.A. program is a more flexible program that still provides a comprehensive overview of the discipline and can be combined easily with other majors or professional career paths.
The EEPS Minor provides a solid introduction to the broad field of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences, allowing students to gain exposure to additional advanced topics, while pursuing their major in another field.
Click HERE to access our Undergraduate Program booklet.
All of the programs of study include experiences with analytical equipment, computer systems and fieldwork. Many undergraduate students engage in research during their degree programs, working on complex and highly interconnected problems, gaining skills to become leaders and entrepreneurs in the real world - field and laboratory opportunities abound! EEPS majors may also complete a Senior Honors Thesis.
Future career opportunities include academia, working in industry, business or government, or working with and for societal issues.
Complete list of EEPS COURSES.
Undergraduate Advisers (Major and Minor)
Melodie French (Geoscience, Planetary),, 203 Keith-Wiess Geological Lab
Tim Diedesch (Geoscience, Environmental),, 221 Keith-Wiess Geological Lab
Transfer Credit Advisor & Official Certifier
- Melodie French (Geoscience, Planetary),, 203 Keith-Wiess Geological Lab