EEPS planetary scientist, André Izidoro, is honored with named Asteroid at the 14th Asteroids, Comets, and Meteors Conference in Flagstaff, Arizona.
Image: L. Welzenbach
The Asteroids, Comets, and Meteors Conference (ACM) brings together astronomers and planetary scientists to discuss current advances in the study of small bodies that comprise our solar system.
André Izidoro, EEPS newest assistant professor and former postdoctoral fellow for Clever Planets, submitted a paper at the meeting that discusses how giant planet instability might explain the current location of the most common stone-type asteroids in the main asteroid belt.
The ACM meeting also includes recognizing significant contributions to small-body research by honoring scientists and researchers with Asteroid names. In coordination with the International Astronomical Union, the authoritative body responsible for designating celestial bodies, ACM has named more than 300 asteroids after scientists and researchers.
Izidoro was among more than 100 named asteroid recipients presented during the banquet.
"I think this is one of the coolest awards one can receive when working in planetary science,” says Izidoro.
Information about Izidoro’s asteroid can be found in the Jet Propulsion Lab's Small-Bodies database, including the official citation 'André Izidoro (b. 1984) is a Brazilian scientist at Rice University in Houston, Texas. His research includes the evolution of the early solar system and the key mechanisms responsible for forming the planets and asteroid belt.'
At 3.6 astronomical units from the sun, 28932 Izidoro is located with the main belt asteroids that André is investigating. "I was so surprised when I realized it was about 10 miles (16km) wide. It is a relatively big asteroid and it its quite dark, so it probably carries some water and organic compounds. This suggests it was born beyond Jupiter and was implanted into the asteroid belt during the solar system infancy, when the Sun was only a few million years old and our Earth was not even fully formed yet. It has been in the asteroid belt now for quite a while. This is so cool and a big honor!”

Article by L. Welzenbach