Earth Science is integral to understanding the origins and locations of minerals, water, and energy resources. Our department is particularly focused on components of this trio that are critical to our transition to a stable future of lower carbon emissions. Our faculty provide expertise in subsurface characterization with applications to geothermal systems, subsurface energy storage, ore deposits, such as copper and other trace metals, and more. Students are trained for employment in exploration geology and geophysics, mineral exploration, subsurface CO2 sequestration, and geothermal energy.
We have a strong program in exploration seismology, including method development, instrumentation/acquisition, data processing, and interpretation. Geophysical methods are wed with fundamental concepts of tectonic deformation, rock physics, surface processes, and fluid flow.
Exploration Geophysics
Ajo-Franklin, Levander, Niu, Zelt
Basin Analysis and Seismic Interpretation
Abdulah (adjunct), Morgan
Mineral and Energy Resources
Ajo-Franklin, Lee