Our lab’s instruments include a ThermoFisher iCap TQ-ICP-MS, ThermoFisher Integrion Ion Chromatograph, and a Picarro L2130-i water isotope analyzer. We use these for high-throughput measurements of water solute chemistry, water oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions, and sedimentary geochemistry. We also have a UV-VIS spectrophotometer and a 3D printer for specialized applications.
We also have a water preparation space and a sediment preparation area. The lab for preparing water samples for analysis includes a HEPA-filtered fume hood, a balance, a Milli-Q water system. We have a separate wet lab for preparing sediment samples. This space includes a HEPA-filtered fume hood, conventional fume hood, Milli-Q water system, centrifuge, drying oven, vertical laminar flow bench, and a sonicator.
The Masiello lab includes the following equipment:
- Costech ECS 4010 Elemental analysis system, which can determine the C, H, N, and O content of solid samples (soils, marine, riverine, and lacustrine sediments, biomass, etc).
- HyProp and WP4 soil water potential instruments which can be used to characterize soil water potential curves.
- LiCOR 7000 infrared CO2/H2O gas analyzer for determination of CO2 and H2O in gas samples.
- Shimadzu TOC-VCHS for determination of dissolved organic carbon and total dissolved nitrogen in aqueous samples,
- A centrifuge, analytical balances, pH meters, shakers, a nano-pure water system, fume hoods, a muffle furnace, sieves, various soil grinders, and a large drying oven.